
Liverpool Telescope

LT Proposal Submission System

Welcome to the New Robotic Telescope (NRT) website! The NRT will join the Liverpool Telescope (LT) on La Palma in 2028 and in preparation we are updating the LT Phase 1 to a new web-based format. Please register for an account below or login if you are an existing user.
Once you are logged in click the proposals tab and then 'create proposal'. You are then able to enter information about your telescope time requests.
Please ensure you select the correct call; for more information on which call to apply to see Which TAG ?
We are still in the process of perfecting our new Phase 1. If you have any feedback or comments, queries or questions about the submission process please contact LTphase1@ljmu.ac.uk.
For reactive and z time proposals please submit via the Liverpool Telescope main page.
Many thanks,
LT and NRT ❤️

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